“If not me, then who?
If not now, then when?”
Macinley is passionate about young people and educating them about the importance of STEM in our world. But most importantly they are excited about inspiring our younger generation to become involved in this future now, providing the next big ideas for global issues.
Macinley has worked with companies such as YouTube, Lenovo, Nintendo, Samsung and Acer, reaching and inspiring those who hear their story. They are a sought after speaker for students and corporate audiences alike, providing a unique and fresh perspective by asking thought proving questions and challenging current perceptions.
Macinley has extensive experience speaking, delivering a TEDxYouth@Sydney talk when they were only 16 years old. Since, they’ve presented to hundreds of Australians, addressing many generations and inspiring all who they meet. They’ve also given workshops to students, provided professional development for teachers, advised at government conferences and addressed professionals regarding their personal story and further inclusion of young generations in the new world.
Photo: Australian Water Association
Macinley Presenting at the 2019 OzWater Conference
Delivered at TedxYouth@Sydney 2017, 16 year old scientist Macinley Butson, describes two of their acclaimed inventions that were both inspired by ancient technology.
These include a device that improves protection for women from radiation during breast cancer treatment and a second project that improves the effectiveness of solar panel technology.